Free Zoom Intro to Remote Viewing
Ryan Grae Ryan Grae

Free Zoom Intro to Remote Viewing

Psychic Abilities (the real stuff, not some “New Age” crap) … Free Zoom Intro to “Remote Viewing” for beginners, and “believing” not required. Learn. Train. Experience. Hell, if it was good enough for the CIA, why not you? This will be super chill // A little background, a few personal stories and opportunities to try it yourself. Select a day/time:

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My Father’s Passover Speech (1986)
Ryan Grae Ryan Grae

My Father’s Passover Speech (1986)

As you probably know, my father and mother escaped Nazi Europe just in time … unlike many of their friends and family who were murdered in the concentration camps. With the theme of ‘freedom’ ever-present in his mind and heart, the Jewish holiday of Passover provided my father with an annual opportunity to reflect on his cultural heritage, current events, and the relentless pursuit of peace for us all.

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My Father’s Speech at My Bris
Ryan Grae Ryan Grae

My Father’s Speech at My Bris

My father, Bill Straus, gave speeches at every major family occasion – Passover gatherings, weddings, memorials, significant birthdays – and he always spoke from the heart. There was never, ever a dry eye in the room.

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Tales of the Mystic Milkman
Ryan Grae Ryan Grae

Tales of the Mystic Milkman

An organic farmer’s unexpected journey into the mysterious realms

of electric shaman, clairvoyant visions and psychic spies.

– My strange-but-true story, updated: December 1, 2019

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