One day, while living in Bali in 2012, I started getting very quick visual ‘flashes’ – clear specific images (usually photographic, and lasting only for a second) – in my mind’s eye. The weird thing was, they weren’t memories. Eventually I was able to confirm that two of these were of actual events that had just taken place in California – events that I couldn’t possibly have known about. Bewildered but curious, I began seeking answers – interviewing physicists, questioning mystics and delving into arcane meditation practices. Subsequently, the experiences have become more frequent, accurate and verifiable.

Below are a few examples, primarily using “Remote Viewing” – a previously Top Secret psychic spying technique developed by the U.S. Army with physicists at Stanford / SRI (
read more). Watch this page for updates, interviews, research and analysis, and contact me if you’d like to join the exploration and/or share your own experiences.

Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus


Method: Testing precognitive remote viewing, seeing an object at a distance, before it’s actually been chosen.

What I wrote: I asked myself “Show me the target” – and a voice came into my head “Oh, you mean the apple?” So that’s what I jotted down. I added ‘green’ – but that was an afterthought, not part of what I actually heard / saw.

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Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus


Date: October 15, 2015

My Location: Las Vegas, NV // with the Applied Precognition Project annual gambling gathering

Target: What I wrote (messy writing), and actual target (bottom). The writing in red was the judges scoring.

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Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus


What I wrote: “Distinct internal and external material to a cylindrical shaped object. Smooth surfaced curved object. Stainless steel. Like looking down on a bullet (pointy part up). Summarizing: Smooth, cylindrical, stainless steel ad/or white colored, material possibly metal. There may be some ridges, off to the sides, like pipe threads.”

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Interesting Hits Michael Straus Interesting Hits Michael Straus


Date: June 28, 2015

Location: Marshall, CA

Method: Using this target, from “Lyn Buchanan’s CRV” online database. Clicking on a specific date, selecting the ‘Basic’ option, instructions were to Identify an event.

What I wrote down: “Inside a large sports stadium”

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Flashes Michael Straus Flashes Michael Straus

Coast guard roadblock

Situation: Lying down to sleep, listening to Monroe Institute HemiSync “Lucid Dreaming #1” audio, sipping mugwort tea, and about an hour after smoking a bit (already sobered up), and suddenly, an image flashed in my mind’s eye.

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Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus Greatest ‘Hits Michael Straus


What I wrote down: “I got men running around in a stadium … it feels like soccer/football. Probably soccer”

Additional information: I recall that the first feeling / sense / image I got was above, looking down – like from hovering over the field, watching people running with a ball. I don’t recall why I concluded ‘soccer’ instead of ‘football’.

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Greatest ‘Hits Ryan Grae Greatest ‘Hits Ryan Grae


Location: Marshall, CA

Method: I believe this target was from the “Lyn Buchanan’s CRV” online database. I clicked on a specific date, selecting the ‘Basic’ option, and the instructions were to Identify an event.

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